Define cases and make them work for you.

Enhance case reusability,

Prevent duplication,

Swiftly locate your cases.

Armoury Label System

What Label Do


Every group and run is equipped with filters, enabling you to enhance management efficiency by filtering based on label names.

Enhance reusability

Cases can be utilized for different testing purposes, such as functional testing,  performance testing, or regression testing.

Tag case attributes

Personalize and Decorate your cases; They are born for you. You should have better control over it. Let’s start labeling.

Label for Grouping

Cases filtered through labels share common traits and characteristics, allowing you to effortlessly treat them as a cohesive group.


Reduce the time spent searching for cases; searching for cases is no longer limited to title searches. Labels are the better tool, saving time for more testing.


Industry-Exclusive Labeling System

Innovative Case Management Approach: Craft labels aligned with your mindset and seamlessly integrate cases within your mindset.

Begin crafting your team labels for products

QA engineers, the member most familiar with the product, analyze its features and transform them into labels, elevating product quality.

Try Armoury

By leveraging tags and creative management, you embody the best practice.

Unlimited label quantities allow you to tag cases according to your preferences.



API Case

Requiring Recording

Regression Case